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Automatique et traitement de signal
Cloud et DevOps
Développement Durable et RSE
Electronique de puissance
Electronique et instrumentation
Energie électrique et thermique
Energies renouvelables et stockage d'énergie
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Management de projets complexes
Marchés de l'énergie
Nouvelles architectures du SI
Numérique responsable
Numérique responsable, Green IT
Posture managériale
Projets de Transformation agile
Protection des réseaux d'énergie publics et industriels
Risk Management
RSE : stratégie durable et nouvelles gourvernances
Stratégie et Management de Projet
Stratégie et Nouveaux modèles d'affaires
Stratégie et Transformation de l'entreprise
Supply Chain
Système d'Information et Digital
Systèmes d'Information et Digital
Technologie et Systèmes Energies
Technologies & Systèmes
Technologies du numérique
Transformation digitale
Transition écologique et Energétique
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[Replay] Réunion d’information Mastère Spécialisé® Purchasing Manager in Technology and Industry

During this webinar, Fabien Dumont, Head Teacher of this program, presents the program, the prerequisites as well as the different professionnal opportunities. Laurie Deliere, training advisor, discusses the application process and the different means of financing this program. A graduate is also testifying her professional career.

Companies in the industrial world (including highly technological service companies) are now looking for international purchasing managers, mastering complex environments and capable of delivering strong added value to all business lines. A senior purchasing manager must evolve on a global scale and bring both economic and innovation performances. The innovative purchasing training created by CentraleSupélec with partner companies, entirely in English, is becoming increasingly popular. It is ranked among the best education program of this field.

During this webinar, Fabien Dumont, Head Teacher of this program, presents the program, the prerequisites as well as the different professionnal opportunities. Laurie Deliere, training advisor, discusses the application process and the different means of financing this program. A graduate is also testifying her professional career.

En savoir plus sur le Mastère Spécialisé® Purchasing Manager in Technology and Industry

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